World Water Day Celebration – 2014: Water and Energy

WWD 2014_logoWhite_ENOn 22nd March the world will celebrate the World Water Day (WWD). The theme for this year’s WWD is “Water and Energy”. This year’s theme resounds the wisdom of His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan when he said “Water is to us what oil is to Arab,” 

RSPN is also joining the global community in celebrating this important day in two separate place; Wamrong and Paro.

RSPN’s Field Office in Wamrong, Tashigang will celebrate the day with the schools and communities of Wamrong. Tashitse Higher Secondary School will be organizing an awareness campaign to sensitize the students and communities of Wamrong on importance of water and its conservation. The school will organize essay and slogan writing competition as one of the main activities. RSPN is supporting the campaign expenses.

In Paro, Bhutan Water Partnership, RSPN will be also partaking in an awareness program organized by Division of Forest. The main event will include cleaning the banks of Pachhu (Paro Chhu) along the Lango – Bonday stretch. Schools along the Pachhu will adopt the river banks and conserve the area. A public awareness program will be also held in the morning at Paro.

Bhutan Water Partnership Secretariat is based at RSPN, Thimphu.