WBH annual population survey 2021

The 19th White-bellied Heron(WBH) annual population survey was conducted from February 27 – March 03, 2021 counted 22 herons in the country. The survey confirmed 22 Herons which is five less than the previous year. Out of 22 Herons, 19 are adults and three sub-adult individuals. The decrease in population was mainly observed in upper Punatsangchhu basin; Phochu, Mochu, Adha and Harachhu which were oldest and previously the most abundantly used habitats in Bhutan. The survey covered all currently known and expected habitats along Punatshangchhu, Mangdechhu, Chamkharchhu, Drangmechhu, Kurichhu, Kholongchhu and major tributaries.Using the Epicollect5 mobile app, a digital data collection platform, all the data were recorded and uploaded to the central WBH database and analyzed.

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