Vacancy Announcement

Royal Society for Protection of Nature in Thimphu would like to announce the vancancy for the following :

Post                       : Assistant Accounts Officer.

Grade                    : G2-E

Place of posting    : RSPN Head Office, Kawajangsa, Thimphu

Eligibility   : Minimum B.Com with 60 % each in Class X, XII and Degree

Please submit all necessary documents with academic transcripts to the Adm/HR Division on or before 15th of June 2019. You can obtain the Terms of Reference (ToR) from our website : or from the Adm/HR Division. For further details contact the Adm/HR Division at 322056/326130 during office hours.

Please submit your application to Adm/HR Division along with the following documents:

  1. Latest CV
  2. A copy of academic transcript
  3. A copy of Identity card
  4. A Copy of valid security clearance
  5. A copy of medical fitness.

ToR for Asst. Account Officer