Training on Book-keeping and Silviculture Options to the CFMG Members of Lower Zhemgang

Practical---Marking-of-treeThe three-day training on Book-keeping and Silviculture Options to the Community Forest Management Group (CFMG) Members of lower Zhemgang was organized by Zhemgang Field Office in collaboration with the Block RNR Extension Forest Offices of lower Zhemgang from 15th February till 21st February, 2014.

It was a part of ADB funded project on “Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy in Bhutan”.

The opening of the training was graced by Mr. Therchung Kencho, Panbang Dungpa. The main objectives of this training on Book-keeping and Silviculture Options to the Community Forest Management Group Members are to enhance energy-based livelihoods for rural women, and build capacities to improve local service delivery and strengthen the operational sustainability of local resources. Some of the specific objectives are:

  • To train on maintaining cash book, forest utilization records and other Community Forests related records.
  • To conduct silviculture activities as part of sustainable management of forest products and to manage Non-Wood Forest Products within Community Forest on sustainable basis to generate income.
  • To teach on writing simple reports and correspondences with related agencies.
  • To train on simple sustainable land management techniques/activities that can be initiated within CF.

Group-Photo-with-Panbang-DungpaThe CFMG members were trained in two batches and were trained both on theoretical and practical trainings (field visit). As part of theoretical part, the CFMG members were trained on the importance of maintaining the general meeting and annual labour register, money receipts, penalties  and compensation records, forest product utilization records, collection permits records, maintenance of bank balance and cash book, transport of forest produces records, seedlings and plantation records and inventory of CFMG properties. The members were also trained on assessing the forest conditions, utilization and improvement of forest as part of practical training in the field on shelter wood system, pruning, thinning, on single tree selection and patch falling system. 

In addition, members were educated on importance of sustainable conservation of forest resources through video clips and also educated on the importance of protecting the forest resources and wildlife, and on the scope of generating income from the sale of NWFPs through pictorial power-point presentation by RSPN Zhemgang Field Coordinator.

The training was designed to allow maximum interaction and participation of trainees. The trainees were involved in most of the training sections to present their traditional knowledge, to absorb introduced knowledge, to assess, and to make decisions. About 53interested community forest management group members from 8 CFMGs under the Blocks of Bjoka, Ngangla, Goshing and Phangkhar attended the training. About 25 women and 28 men members of the CFMGs attended the three days training.




Reported by: Tsheten Dorji, Field Coordinator, Zhemgang Field Office