Minimum Qualification: Bachelors Degree in any field.
Language Proficiency: Fluent in Spoken Kheng kha or Bumtap kha and Dzongkha
Note: Female applicants are encouraged to apply
Main Task:
Conduct awareness on safety and efficient use of electricity for 4500 electricity users in Zhemgang district for 50 days (approx.) (this includes 3 days training program). The team will be supervised by a team Leader from RSPN. The trainers will be trained on electricity safety and efficient use officials from RSPN, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Bhutan Electricity Authority.
Designation: Asst. Trainers.
Term of Engagement:
Period of Engagement: Maximum of 50 Days between 1st April to 20th May 2014 (Tentative)(inclusive of training days)
Training: 3 days training on safety and efficient use of electricity/energy in Thimphu
Per Day Allowance for both field and office: NU. 500 (Ngultrum Five hundred) only.
50 percent advance will be provided upon submission of request application prior to departure to the field. The final payment shall be made only after the completion of the survey works and as approved by the project manager.
Application submission:
Aspiring graduates may submit an application to RSPN, addressed to the Adm/HR Officer, RSPN, Kawajangsa, Thimphu with a CV (maximum 2 pages) with two referees (with phone number). The referees can be teacher, mentor or other person other than your relatives. The application shall be considered complete only if the following documents are enclosed. The selection will be also based on submission of Xerox copy of the following documents.
Application can be submitted to RSPN head office or faxed to RSPN @ 02-323189 . Applicants shall be physically fit and able to walk for long distance on foot in remote parts of Zhemgang. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. Final selected candidates will be informed over telephone. All results will be declared on www.rspnbhutan.org
Important dates:
Date of announcement: 28th February 2014
Date of Final application submission: 17th March 2014, BST 5 PM
Date of Short listing: 18th March 2014.
Date of Final interview: 19th March 2014
Note that these dates are subject to change and RSPN will inform the changes via www.rspnbhutan.org.
RSPN office location: Kawajangsa, Thimphu next to Royal Audit Authority Building.
Contact person at RSPN: Mr. Tsheten Dorji @ tdorji@rspnbhutan.org or 17662496 or 02-322056
Enumerators shall not be entitled to any other benefits apart from the daily allowance. Transportation to the field will be arranged by RSPN and travels to the Gewogs will be coordinated by Team Leader from RSPN. RSPN shall not be liable to bear any unforeseen cost related to the enumerators personal cost including health costs.
Enumerators shall not be entitled for leave during the period of engagement during the period of engagement (1) the enumerator shall not act as or in any manner represent RSPN in any forum, (2) The enumerator shall not be involved in any official mis-conduct or unacceptable behavior, if so, RSPN shall not bear any responsibility or accept such incidents.
Prior to the recruitment, the enumerators shall sign a contract agreement adhering to this ToR and by providing the contact details of the guardian or the first person to be contacted at times of emergency.
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