Strengthening teamwork towards Conservation

Strengthening teamwork towards Conservation

On 29th September 2021, RSPN initiated a Partnership Planning Meeting with the Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS), under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests for better coordination and collaboration in achieving conservation outcomes. The meeting was graced by the Hon’ble Director of DoFPS, officials from DoFPS, and RSPN.
The day also highlighted the grant agreement between the RSPN and DoFPS for the Project title ‘Understanding Carnivore Community Ecology to Reduce Dhole Predation of Livestock in Bhutan’. The purpose of this contract is to establish the framework for the collaboration between Nature Conservation Division (NCD), DoFPS and to provide funds to NCD under this agreement to carry out activities under the project. The contract will come with effect from September 22nd, 2021 until September 30th, 2023.
We would like to acknowledge DoFPS for your continued support and collaboration.