Her Excellency Amanda Strohan, Deputy Ambassador of the High Commission of Canada to India, New Delhi and Dr Kinley Tenzin, Executive Director of RSPN signed a project agreement on the Livelihood enhancement and increasing resilience of the Lauri Community, SamdrupJonkhar on 8th May 2023 at the RSPN Head office in Thimphu.
The project aims to enhance the local community’s livelihood through climate change adaptation and increasing resilience to climate change. It is anticipated to benefit 330 households and 2000 people with the implementation of project deliverables such as sustainable farming and food production, water resource management, and marketing of farm products.
The project is expected to contribute directly to the 12th Five-Year Plan National Key Result Areas of Poverty and Inequality Reduced, Healthy Ecosystem service Maintained, Carbon Neutral, Climate and Disaster Resilient Development Enhanced, and Food and Nutrition Security enhanced and Sústainable Development Goals of 1. No Poverty, 5. Gender Equality, 6. Clean Water and Sanitation, and 13. Climate Action.
Her Excellency Amanda Strohan said; “She is happy with the partnership between RSPN and the Canadian High Commission and the impressive works of RSPN in the areas of nature conservation, livelihood enhancement, and increasing climate resilience”. Appreciating the impacts of the previous CFLI projects implemented by the RSPN under their financial support, she added, “The key objective of this small grant support is to alleviate poverty and the current project proposal is well developed in achieving this objective”.
The project’s objectives are as follows:
1. Improve farmland, diversity farming, and integrate agroforestry and water resource management for sustainable farming and food production
2. Enhance the conservation and management of star anise and the upstream watershed and spring shed for the sustenance of ecosystem services
3. Improve the market for agriculture and stare anise through appropriate approaches and mechanisms.
The Executive Director, of RSPN thanked the Canadian High Commission and her team for the past project support and for placing confidence in RSPN to take the partnership to the next level through this new project. He assured realized the intended project objective of improving livelihood and increasing resilience which are the primary concerns of the Lauri Community.
The project will end by February 2024.
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