Shortlist of applicants for the post of CBST Project Officer

RSPN is pleased to announce the list of applicants shortlisted for the post of CBST Project Officer

1. Ms.Karma Wangmo, 11106005202
2. Mr. Monorath Rai, 11309001846
3. Mr.Sonam Tshering, 10502000892
4. Ms.Khachi Wangmo, 10705000520
5. Ms.Kintu Zangmo, 111077000066
 RSPN shall be conducting the CBST Project Officer’s interview on 19th October 2016
(The shortlisted candidates for the interview are requested to bring your own laptops or inform us in advance if you do not own a laptop.)
All are therefore requested to report to RSPN for registration at 9.00 A.M . The actual interview will commence at 10.A.M.