Second Working Group Meeting on CBST held in Haa

The 2nd working group meeting of the local stakeholders for the community-based sustainable tourism (CBST) project in Haa was held on 15th October 2015 at the National Centre for Riverine and Lake Fishery.

It was an occasion for the members to meet the new local youth agriculture group named Haa Valley Cooperative and Mr. Nobuo Nakagawa, CEO of Prima Inc., an organic product marketing firm in Japan, observers and participants.

During the meeting, the members were updated on the progress and the ongoing activities of the CBST project and the quarterly work plans. The members were also updated on the baseline survey report, recent assessment of local crafts in Haa, concept of Michino Eki in Fukushima, Japan as inspiration to develop a Visitor Centre for Haa.

Reported by Tshering Choki, RSPN