RSPN wins ADB Civil Society Partnership Award

Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) was awarded the ADB Civil Society Partnership Award on May 5, 2017, during the 50th Annual ADB Meeting held in Yokohama, Japan.

Dr. Kinley Tenzin, Executive Director of RSPN in his acceptance speech thanked the ADB for the show of solidarity and supporting the project, and paid homage to the benevolent monarchs, “I take this opportunity to pay my humble respect to His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck for leaving a rich conservation legacy and our King, Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck for leading by example in furthering this rich conservation legacy at this critical time of need.”
He added, “I share this high caliber of recognition with my colleagues in RSPN, who put their heart and soul working with local communities on livelihood opportunities and promoting conservation in Bhutan.”

RSPN is truly honored to be selected as the recipient of this year’s Civil Society Partnership Award for the implementation of the project supported by ADB JFPR Grant – 9158 Regional: Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy in Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. We would like to thank the partners and various stakeholders who were instrumental in the success of the project; ETC Foundation, Department of Renewable Energy, Bhutan Power Corporation, UNDP, Agency for Promotion of Indigenous Craft, Zhemgang Dzongkhag, Rural Development Training Center (Zhemgang), Royal Manas National Park and the Zhemgang village communities.