RSPN observed World Environment Day 2010 in Sarpang

World Environment Day 2010The Royal Society for Protection of Nature in collaboration with Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration observed the World Environment Day 2010 on 5th June 2010 with a call to protect environment and its biodiversity.  The main theme for this year’s event was "Many Species. One Planet. One Future."
The Executive Director of RSPN Dr. Lam Dorji who joined from Thimphu to observe the event informed the gathering about the crucial role that very individual can play in conserving the environment and the species. He expressed his appreciation for being able to partner with the Dzongkhag Administration and working together in environment related issues that are of concern to RSPN.

Participants visit the exhibition stalls put up by the students The head of environment and disaster management division Mr. Karma Rabten of UNDP-Bhutan office, Thimphu read out the message from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the gathering which reminded people over the world about the incredible life species on this earth.

Dasho Dzongda, who was the Chief Guest for the event, reiterated the significance of observing event in Sarpang Dzongkhag. Highlighting the importance, the Chief Guest made a special mention of non-biodegradable waste including wrappers, pet bottles, foams, plastics and many others which are of concern to the Dzongkhag.

To add on the variety for the event, the students of Sarpang Higher Secondary School and Sarpang Lower Secondary School showcased exhibitions on biodiversity, ecosystem services, global warming and green energy to name a few. Prizes were awarded to the winners as token of appreciation and their concern towards the environment. Cultural shows by the students kept the gathering intact till the end of the program.

Read more about this year’s theme by clicking HERE