RSPN houses BhWP secretariat

The secretariat of Bhutan Water partnership (BhWP) project has been relocated at RSPN office from National Environment Commission as per the directives issued by the Cabinet ministers during the 335th Coordination Committee meeting Session. Under the provision, RSPN is mandated to manage and undertake and implement programs related to water issues in Bhutan.

The secretariat will also be the focal point for the Global Water partnershipin South East Asia, a regional authority on integrated water resources management in the region.

The Bhutan Water partnership is an inter-ministerial body striving towards integrated water resources management. It ensures sustainable use of water resources in Bhutan for economic and social benefits without compromising the sustainability of the ecosystems. It acts as a technical advisory body to the government on water resources protection, development and management.

The activities of BhWP are guided by a steering committee comprising representatives from relevant government agencies and RSPN. It is supported by a member secretary and a program Officer from RSPN.

Currently, water management in Bhutan is bounded by Bhutan Water Policy and Bhutan Water Act. A Bhutan Water Resources Management Plan has also been formulated to address water issues in Bhutan.

The BhWP is the part of the network group of Global Water Partnership working partnership which identifies critical knowledge needs at global, regional and national levels, helps design programs for meeting these needs, and serves as a mechanism for alliance building and information exchange on integrated water resources management.