Report on Study of Climate Change Impact on Wetland Ecosystem in Phobjikha

Climate-Change-Impact-on-Wetland Phobjikha_RSPN_2014-1The report on Study of climate change impact on Wetland ecosystem Phobjikha, West Central Bhutan by RSPN has now been published. The study was conducted by RSPN in collaboration with Department of Forest and Park Services funded by the Bhutan Foundation.

According to the published report, the general objective of the study is to build baseline information to understand the impact of climate change on the wetland ecosystem.

Specifically the study aims to achieve the following goals:

1. Compile and analyze existing meteorological data of Phobjikha valley,
2. Classify forest types and structural traits surrounding the wetland (NE & SW series) which acts as source of water to the wetland,
3. Impact of developmental activities (road, buildings, tourists) on the wetland (invasive species),
4. Monitor and measure water discharge from seasonal and perennial springs into the wetland and,
5. Finally compile the vegetation and climate data to understand the current situation in respond to climate change.

The report is being made available for the public referencer. It can be either downloaded from our Download section under Resources