Regional REDD+ capacity building project assessment workshop

13-20 September, 2019. Two representative from RSPN and Tarayana Foundation, participated in the regional REDD+ capacity building project assessment workshop (13-14 September), Regional Workshop on increasing women’s capacities and role in REDD+ in the Asia-Pacific (16-17 September) and finally the regional dialogue for forest dependent indigenous peoples, other forest dwellers and southern CSO’s in Asia Pacific (18-20 September) at Furama Silom, Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop was organised by Tebebba Foundation and ANSAB Nepal with support from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), World Bank.

The overall objective of the workshop and regional dialogue was to:

  1. Share consolidate result to date and lessons learned from building the capacity of forest dependent indigenous peoples (IPs), other forest dwellers and southern CSOs engaged in the REDD+ activities in Asia-Pacific financed by the FCPF capacity building program and other program
  2. Reach regionally agreed recommendation for future REDD+ capacity building actions for forest dependent indigenous peoples, other forest dwellers and southern CSOs in Asia-Pacific.

More than 51 participants from 15 different countries participated at the workshop. REDD+ stands for “Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries, and sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stock in developing countries.” In Bhutan RSPN and Tarayana Foundation has been implementing REDD+ capacity building program for forest dependent communities since 2017.