REDD+ capacity building project

The Royal Society for the Protection of Nature (RSPN) with fund support from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF),  World Bank and project managed by Tebtebba Foundation, an NGO based in Philippine , implemented phase II REDD+ capacity building project in Zhemgang. The current project was in continuation of the past REDD+ capacity building project for forest dependent communities in Buli. 

The overall objective of the project is:

  • To prepare the indigenous people of Buli to engage in REDD+ benefits sharing and carbon accounting program through capacity building programs.
  • Build a local knowledge-base to inform REDD+ benefit sharing and carbon accounting programs in the future.

The project began in January 2019 and will be completed by August 2019. 13 Community Forests (CF) under Zhemgang Dzongkhag was benefited through training and awareness programs.

Major achievements

Baseline study report on the status of agriculture yield, forest, socioeconomic situation and biodiversity in the context of REDD+ for the project in Buli, Zhemgang developed. Feasibility of eco-tourism in Buli assessed and validated. Awareness of REDD+ carbon benefit conducted in 13 Community Forests under five gewogs of Zhemgang. Carbon accounting training conducted in 13 Community Forests under five gewogs of Zhemgang. 540  members (224 Males, 316 Females) from 13 CF participated during the awareness and training program.

Forest resource assessment for 2 community forest in Buli completed, which complemented in the revision of management plans of CF.

Carbon Stock Assessment in two Community Forests of Buli under Zhemgang Dzongkhag carried out to calculate carbon stock and carbon emission from the CF.

Three days Knowledge sharing workshop on REDD+ organized with an objective to bring together all the relevant project stakeholders (government representatives, community representatives, local government, CSOs and organization involved in REDD+) to share experiences, good practices and lessons learned, and enhance REDD+ knowledge among stakeholders.