Recruitment of Project Staff

Recruitment of Project Staff

RSPN will implement the ‘Developing Ecosystem-based Solutions for Managing Biodiversity Landscapes in Bhutan’, a five-year project with a special focus on strengthening the conservation efforts of the Critically Endangered White-bellied Heron (WBH), through community engagement and livelihood enhancement activities.

To ensure and carry forward the effective implementation of the project activities, a project team of Project Coordinator and project officers were recruited.

The project has commenced since June 2021 and is fully operational in in collaboration with the Royal Government of Bhutan and other relevant stakeholders.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Environment,Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU),Germany through International Climate Initiative (IKI) with co-funding from MAVA Foundation,Switzerland and the RSPN.

Norbu Wangdi (PhD), Project Coordinator
Tshering Tobgay, Project Officer
Karma Wangchuk, Project Officer
Thinley Phuntsho, Project Officer
Sangay Dema, Communications Officer