Project to conserve wetland in Buli

RSPN has entered into a 1.5 years agreement with UNDP, GEF, Small Grants Programme to implement a wetland conservation project in Buli under Nangkor Gewog in upper Kheng, Zhemgang. The project of little over USD 47,000 comes as a rescue to the wetland in Buli that is under increasing anthropogenic pressure and likely to deteriorate if timely action is not taken.

The wetland in Buli plays a vital role as watershed and water recharge point for the downstream vegetation. Other wetlands include paddies and Buli Lake which is considered sacred by locals and an important water source for wildlife. Maintaining healthy wetland is therefore seen critical not only for healthy ecosystem but for the overall livelihood system of the area. Keeping this in mind, the project mainly seeks to lay ground for long term conservation of the Buli wetland ecosystem by putting in place long term management strategy and institutionalization of protection and management of the wetland at the local level. Part of the activities will involve baseline surveys that will give a clear understanding of the biodiversity and socio-economic status of the area and set the stage for long term interventions in the area.

This project will also allow RSPN to bring forth its vast experience of wetland conservation and management from Phobjikha to a new area.