Program for the 13th Annual Black-necked Crane Festival

Date: 11th November 2011

Venue: Gangtey Gompa

Organized by: Phobjikha Environment Management Committee (PEMC)

09:30 A.M.      Arrival of guests

09:45 A.M.      Reception of Chief guest

10:00 A.M.      Marchang Ceremony

10:15 A.M.      Opening speech by the PEMC Chairman

10:30 A.M.      Speech by the Chief Guest

10:45 A.M.      Cultural Programme

01:00 P.M.      Lunch

02:00 P.M.      Cultural Program

Programme Item List

  1. Welcome Dance – Phobji Geog
  2. Rigsar dance “Thrung Ngani Luesem Gamiga” – Phobjikha Primary School
  3. Mask Dance “Sha Tsam” – Gangtey Monastery
  4. Black-Necked Crane Dance – Bayta Community Primary School
  5. Boedra Dance “ Sala Meyju Druk gi Gyalkhap” – Phobji Geog
  6. Rigsar dance “Sorry ori yo” – Phobjikha Primary School
  7. Lungba Chong Chong – Gyelyong Gaki Penzom – Kunzachholing Monastic Institution
  8. Rigsar dance “Janam Janam ko mayale” – Bayta Community Primary School
  9. Thrung Thrung Karme Luje – Phobji Geog
  10. Boedra Dance dance “Azhi Zomba Sheybay” – Phobjikha Primary School
  11. Tibetan Dance – Bayta Community Primary School
  12. Mask Dance “ Dramitse Nga Chham” – Gangtey Monastery
  13. “Green Bhutan” – Wangdue Lower Secondary School
  14. Zhungdra Dance “Tshenden tshobi tsholu” – Phobji Geog
  15. Black-Necked Crane Dance – Bayta Community Primary School
  16. “Gongsar Thenpo” –Phobjikha Environment Management Committee
  17. Tashi Lebay