Picture Story: The Basochhu Waterfall

The Basochhu waterfall in Wangduephodrang is one of the highest waterfalls in Bhutan. Unfortunately, due to hydropower schemes the waterfall is visible for most of the six summer months almost in its full size.
The stream joins the Punatsangchhu river just about a kilometer downstream. The waterfall can be seen towards the right bank of the Punatsangchhu river before reaching power house of the Basochhu Hydro Power Plant.

Basochu waterfall in Wangduephodrang

Basochu waterfall in Wangduephodrang

A waterfall is formed where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a stream or river, mostly in upper courses.

Picure: August 2015.

Story and photo: Tshering Phuntsho, RSPN