Phobjibs initiate waste management

January 31, 2011 – Villagers of the little Phobjikha valley have been setting examples for quite some time. The small community in the glacial valley, which is the home to the endangered black-necked cranes live in harmony with nature, sacrificed developments for long to preserve the environment and is a favourite tourist destination.

This time, the community has initiated a solid waste management project and formed a committee to work on the project. Recognising and appreciating the initiative, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has come forward to help the initiative materialize.

Yesterday, JICA signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a solid waste management in the valley with the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN). RSPN will implement the project while JICA will provide financial assistance, training operators and the local people in man-aging landfill and waste. JICA is providing Nu 1.8 million for the project and expected to be up and running by June this year.

The RSPN, president, Sangay Thinlay, said that Phobjikha receives one of the favourite tourist destinations and it was important to start a solid waste management system. “It is important to educate the local people if we have to con-serve environment,” he said. “This is a small project for a great effect.”

Project formulation advisor, Emi Doyle, said that depending on the success of the project, they would expand the initiative to other dzongkhags as well.

Source: Kuensel Newspaper