Norlha supports RSPN program

RSPN received fund from Norlha, a Swiss based non-profit NGO, to pilot sustainable and organic agriculture in Wamrong and Thrimshing in Tashigang District. The one year (October 2013-September 2014) project will benefit at least 40 households in the villages of Moshi and Khaimanma in Lumang Gewog in Wamrong and Passaphu and Madhuwa in Kangpara Gewog. The project is intended towards fostering environmentally, socially and economically sound food production by promoting alternative option to chemical farming and slope agriculture. 

The pilot project will consider the following approaches:

  1. Integration of organic farming and Sustainable Land Management for reducing soil erosion in agriculture farms.
  2. Pilot the techniques in selected households under  Kangpara and Lumang gewogs:
  3. Participation of communities based on interest and other technical criteria.
  4. Management and ownership with community.
  5. Targeting subsistence farmers
  6. Consistency in technical monitoring and backup.

The project will be implemented by RSPN Field office in Wamrong in close consultation with the National Organic Program, National Soil Service Center, and National Plant Protection Center, Department of Agriculture and Livestock and local stakeholders.

Norlha supports by providing development assistance through various projects in Tibetan areas of China,  Bhutan and Nepal, in cooperation with local partners.