Mass Cleaning Campaign in Phobjikha

17 December 2009 cleanup in PhobjikhaOn 17th December 2009, the communities, schools, government sectors and the hotels of Phobjikha valley celebrated the national day with a mass cleanup campaign of the valley.

The campaign was organized by the Wangduephodrang Dzongkhag and the RSPN through the Clean Bhutan Project to encourage individual responsibilities among the local communities and other residents of Phobjikha towards proper waste management and control littering Phobjikha Conservation Area. The campaign covered the whole valley under both the Gangtay and Phobji Gewog, focusing on the surroundings of village settlements, footpaths/ trails, and roads.

active participantsAs suggested by the Environment Education Officer, RSPN the participants were given refreshment. containing only tea and zaw (local  snack) made from rice. This was to minimize waste and to promote local products for refreshments. Financially, it was supported by Clean Bhutan Project and Dewachen hotel in Phobjikha.

As a follow up, the Dzongkhag is also interested in setting up a proper managed waste facility in the valley for which they are seeking support from the local hotels and the RSPN for financial support.