Management Orientation & Consultation Meeting

The management orientation and consultation meeting was held on March 20, 2019, to orient the CBST beneficiaries on Haa Visitor Information Center Management Plan and to discuss the component of bye-laws. 
Ms. Khachi Wangmo, Project Officer, RSPN presented on the Haa Visitor Information Center Business Plan and future plans for the center, and Mr. Gyeltshen, Sr. Planning Officer, Haa Dzongkhag presented on the bye-laws of the Community-based Sustainable Tourism (CBST) Group. 
26 people participated in the meeting and discussed on membership fees, joint account opening, booking cancellation charges, etc. In addition to various issues addressed, Dasho Dzongdag deliberated on the future potentials of Haa Dzongkhag and encouraged all the certified Homestay owners to get registered with the CBST group. The center is expected to be open by the end of April 2019.