Legal teeth to bite litterbugs

waste kuensel 19Apr2012With the waste prevention and   management regulation 2012 coming into force yesterday, people littering or dumping waste in the wrong places, or urinating or defecating in a public place, will be slapped fines, ranging from Nu 100 to Nu 20,000.

Some of the other offences, according to the regulation, are sale of goods or services on the streets and pedestrian walkways without approval, and dumping waste into the streams, rivers, drainage systems or other water bodies.

Yesterday, around 240 thromde officials and workers went around the capital, disseminating information and  creating awareness about the regulation.

In the evening, a show was also organised at the clock tower to create awareness on the waste prevention and management regulation 2012.

“The fines are reasonable and needed to manage increasing waste,” businessman Sonam Gyelpo, 20, who was at yesterday’s show, said.

But a hotelier said that it might be difficult to catch everyone, who litters, especially those who throw out trash from their cars. “The regulation looks promising, but let’s see after a few months,” he said.

The thromde’s environment officer, Pema Dorji, said that the waste regulation before 2009 had no legal teeth to back it up.

“This time, the acts and provisions are clear. We’re also seeking support from RBP as well,” he said.

There are six regular inspectors and 15 volunteers from the thromde, who will be monitoring and fining offenders in Thimphu city. Anyone, who catches another committing these offences, can report it to the thromde, and claim half the fine as an incentive. “The designing of this incentive mechanism is still undergoing,” he said.

The regulation was endorsed by National Environment Commission on February 13 this year, which is also adopted under section 53 of the Waste Prevention and Management Act, 2009.


Token and fine schedule for implementation of The Waste Prevention and Management Regulation, 2012

Offence (acts of noncompliance) Fine amount

Fine amount
(Nu. Per instance)
Littering at any public places


Dumping of wastes in places other than approved sites


Operating business establishments without providing waste bins for customer usage


Any nature of waste being found within a boundary of a household or business unit


Urinating or defecating in a public place


Sale of goods or services on the streets and pedestrian walkways without approval


Dumping wastes into the streams, rivers, drainage systems or other water bodies


Dumping of industrial waste in areas other than designated location or facility


Collection of waste without permit from the relevant authority


Dumping of construction waste including excavated materials and structural demolition waste in places other than designated sites

9000 (per truck load)

Upon completion of a construction work, failure to clean up the remnants of the construction materials in and around a construction area, streets, roads or pedestrian pathways


Placing or storing of goods, including commercial and construction materials, on the streets, roads, and pedestrian pathways without permission of the relevant authority


Failure to provide common waste bins by house owners


Failure to segregate solid waste when segregation facilities are available or provided with


Failure to record detail information on accident, non-compliance or other detail in particular to medical, industrial or any hazardous waste as required to be included in a report


Dumping or releasing of waste into the prohibited areas by this Regulation


Dumping or releasing of industrial, medical or other hazardous wastes including spillage during transportation in any places other than designated or approved facility


Giving false or distorted information or report


Source: Kuensel Newspaper