Kick-off meeting for Green Public Procurement in Bhutan held in RSPN

gbpp-bhutanThe kick-off meeting with the stakeholders for Green Public Procurement in Bhutan was held on 31 March 2014 in the conference hall of the Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Thimphu. A cross sectorial strategy for sustainable industrial competitiveness, GPP in Bhutan is expected to scale-up public demand for environmentally and socially preferable goods, services and infrastructure, and support the achievement of Gross National Happiness and  ‘The Middle Path’.

GPP Project of 3.5 years in Bhutan is funded by the European Union and is expected to be driver of green growth in Bhutan.

The project consortium includes International Institute of Sustainable Development (Canada/Switzerland), Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (Germany), Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Royal Institute of Management and the Royal Society for Protection of Nature. The meeting was attended by government and public from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Druk Holding and Investment, Gross National Happiness Commission and National Environment Commission.