Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF) to support RSPN

The  Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF), Japan, will be supporting a project for RSPN starting this year. The project entitle “Enhancement of Black-necked Crane Visitor Information Center in Phobjikha ”, is aimed at improving the role of visitor information centre of Phobjikha in imparting environmental knowledge and awareness and strengthening local participation in environmental conservation in Phobjikha.

The  overall objective is to contribute to conservation of Black-necked Crane and Phobjikha Valley as a result of positive change in behavior and attitude of local community and visitors by enhancing the educational/training programs/facilities in the Black-necked Crane Visitor Centre. The specific objectives are:

1)  Widen the role of Black-necked Crane Visitor Centre as a resource centre for educational and capacity building program by improving its structural facilities.
2)  Enhance educational services in the Black-necked Crane Visitor Centre by improving educational programs and amenities in the centre.
3)  Strengthen the overall functioning of Black-necked Crane Visitor Centre by improving the sustainability mechanism and management of the centre.  

The fund support for the project for first year (June 2012- may 2013) has been committed and  for the next two additional years, KNCF will support RSPN based on the project performance. The project will be jointly carried by RSPN and Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF :

The Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF) is a public trust established in 2000. It was authorized by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (JAPAN) in April 2000. The KNCF announces for applicants/proposal for the Fund on this website every year ( KNCF  provides assistance for nature conservation efforts implemented by NGO/NPO in developing countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region and also provides assistance for nature conservation efforts and sustainable use of natural resources in Japan. Delegates from KNCF also visited Bhutan and RSPN office in 2011.