Juvenile White-bellied heron released

Bumitsawa, Pho Chu, Punakha

wbh_juvenile_2011It was hatched in captive breeding on May 7th, 201117th September 2011. At 7.58 am, a White-bellied heron weighing 5.6 kilograms was released from its flight pen at Bumitsawa in Pho Chu, Punakha. It was 134 days old at the time of the release from the research site. It was the first white-bellied heron chick hatched in a captive breeding.

The juvenile heron is tagged with a band numbered 32 on its right leg. It is also mounted with a 35gms Platform Terminal Transmitter (PTT) that will be useful in monitoring its whereabouts through a satellite data.

The release of the juvenile white-bellied heron was witnessed by Dasho Dzongda of Punakha Dzongkhag, stakeholders and partner agencies.

Over the years, Felburn Foundation via International Crane Foundation (ICF), San Diego Zoo via ICF (USA),  WWF Bhutan Program, and Punatshangchu Hydro Project Authority have been supporting in the study and habitat conservation in the Punatsangchu River Basin. We thank all donors, stakeholders and partner agencies in rendering support in this project without which the project wouldn’t have materialised.

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