High Commission of Canada visits RSPN  

High Commission of Canada visits RSPN

Mr. Colin Wetmore, the First Secretary (Political Affairs) for the High Commission of Canada to India, met with the project team of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) at the RSPN Head Office in Thimphu. RSPN presented the project status and shared the expected benefits of the project.

RSPN has been implementing the project on ‘Enhancing Climate Resilient through Gender Responsive Agro-Ecological Farming, Provision of Agriculture Tools and Developing Marketing Linkages’ in Langdurbi and Phulabi villages covering around 100 households in Zhemgang District’ with fund support from CFLI.

The project also provided physical support such as agriculture, horticulture, and post-harvest facilities to the communities. The project conducted capacity-building training for farmers on sustainable land management, organic farming, and agro-forestry techniques. Other activities such as springshed conservation interventions and water-saving technologies were initiated. 

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen community resilience to climate change and contribute to pandemic recovery by promoting environmentally, socially, and ecologically sound agriculture that has supported climate resilience hybrid vegetable and horticulture seedlings. Additionally, the objectives of the project are:

  • To improve agriculture soil and water conservation for sustainable farming and food production.
  • To enhance resilience and efficiency in agriculture production through technology transfer and product diversification.
  • To improve the market for agricultural produce through appropriate approaches and mechanisms.

About 70% of the project activities are completed and the beneficiary farmers are already experiencing the benefits of the project interventions and are expecting greater benefits after the post-project period. The project will end by March 31, 2023.

Presentation of project status
First Secretary with RSPN Officials