Handing-Taking over of environmental science curriculum

Handing-Taking over of environmental science curriculum

Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) and Royal Education Council (REC) officially handed over the environmental science curriculum to Ministry of Education (MoE) on December 21, 2016. The occasion was graced by the Director General, Department of School Education, Ministry of Education as the chief guest, and other officials and dignitaries representing Ministry of MoE, Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation (BTFEC), REC, Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) and RSPN.

Royal Society for Protection of Nature in collaboration with the Royal Education council with the support from Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation initiated the three-year project on, “Introducing Environmental Science in Formal Education system in Bhutan” in 2013. The main objectives of the project was to assess the current standard of environmental science from classes PP-XII and develop curriculum framework. Through this project, Environmental Science textbook for classes nine and ten were developed, which are currently being implemented in all the Middle Secondary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Bhutan as an optional subject.

The event marked another milestone in RSPN attempt to complement the National objective of creating environmentally conscious citizens.
