GPP Bhutan Major Findings Consultation

he GPP Bhutan invites feedback and comments from government agencies, civil society, academia and individuals on the document entitled “Towards Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Bhutan: 10 major findings and their implications for GPP”. This document represents the findings from the GPP Bhutan research in the past year and draws implications for implementing GPP in Bhutan.

The document will be further edited taking in the feedback and comments received, and will be further expanded to make explicit recommendations for moving towards sustainable procurement in Bhutan. Then, the final document with recommendations will be submitted to the government of Bhutan.

The public consultation period for this document is open till 9th October, 2015.

Instructions for submission of feedback & comments

The document is available in PDF and Word formats. We welcome general comments or more detailed feedback & comments with changes tracked in the word document.

Please send your feedback & comments to within 9th October 2015.

For further questions or clarifications, please call us at +975-2-339393.

File 1:

Major Findings & Implications for GPP

File 2:

Major Findings & Implications for GPP