Research findings presented under the Jigme Khesar Environmental Research Fund (JKERF) initiative

June 30, 2014, A comprehensive research presentation on various environmental subjects were presented by JKERF grant recipients comprising undergrad students from College of Natural Resources (CNR), Lobeysa and Sherubtse College, Kanglung. The research findings will be made public through the Jigme Khesar Environmental Resource Centre attached with RSPN Research Program. The funding for the grant was secured from the Gross National Happiness Commission under the Joint Support Program (JSP).

The research initiative is part of the Jigme Khesar Environmental Research Fund (JKERF) launched by Her Majesty Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, Queen of Bhutan as the Royal Patron of Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) in August 2013.

Research topics presented:

Title of the research



Radial growth of Blue pine trees along altitudinal gradient.

Mr. Tenzin Dorji,


Influence of Human disturbances on floristic diversity and composition in Phobjikha valley.

Ms. Jigme Zangmo,


Forest fire and its impact on community – Case study on forest fires in Eastern Bhutan.

(Trashigang, Mongar, Trashiyangtse).

Mr. Pema Dorji ,

Sherubtse College

Forest Resource Utilization by the communities of Semtokha, Yesipang, Hontso and Dochula, Western Bhutan.

Mr. Phurba Wangdi,


Human-Wildlife Conflict: Crop depredation by wildlife in relation to the habitat type under Tsirang Dzongkhag.

Mr. Sacha Dorji,


Floristic Diversity along the Seasonal and Perennial Streams of Phobjikha Core Wetland.

Ms. Ugyen,


Effect of Himalayan Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium minutissimum) on the growth performance of Blue pine stands in Thimphu.

Mr. Chhimi Dorji,


The JKERF is an annual research grant, and the second research grant is now open for interested researchers. A total of 10 proposals will be supported with financial support secured from UNDP.

 For more details, please refer to the JKERF – Grant.