‘Feasibility study on Community-based Eco-tourism

The Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) in collaboration with the relevant partner agencies is currently implementing the ‘Developing Ecosystem-Based Solutions for Managing Biodiversity Landscapes in Bhutan’ project aimed to establish approaches and tools for protecting and managing habitats for critically endangered White-bellied herons (WBH) along Punatsangchhu and Mangdechhu basin. 

The project also focuses on strengthening community engagement in WBH conservation through supporting alternative economic, employment opportunities, and incentives to the communities within the WBH habitats. With regard to this, we would like to invite proposals from experts/firms to conduct a ‘Feasibility study on Community-based Eco-tourism’ in our project sites (Punakha, Wangduephodrang, Tsirang, Dagana, Zhemgang & Trongsa Dzongkhags). The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) can be obtained from the Adm/HR Division. Kindly submit your proposal as per the ToR to RSPN Office, Thimphu on or before 4:00 pm, 31st December 2021.
For further details please contact

Mrs. Khachi Wangmo

Telephone number 02-326130/17653505.
Click to download the ToR
Click here to find more about the project