Environmental Education and Awareness Program in Haa

On the 10th and 11th of January 2019 RSPN conducted a 2-day environmental education awareness program in the newly constructed Visitor Information Centre in Haa valley.

Ca. 25 people including homestay owners and local guides as well as other locals involved in the community-based sustainable tourism program in Haa participated. The talks given by different resource persons covered topics such as future tourism prospects in Haa including perceived challenges and opportunities as well as the actions already taken by the Dzongkhag and RSPN.

Furthermore, participants could learn more about waste, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as forest fire prevention; These different talks gave insights into pressing issues and the impact of individual actions.

On the second day the program concluded with a presentation on waste management followed by a cleaning campaign in Haa town with all the participants.

During the program, participants could voice and discuss their concerns with different resource persons.

The aim of the program was to raise awareness on environmental issues and inspire personal responsibility in conserving the environment .

List of speakers and topics covered:

Presentation on Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)   Mr. Kinga Wangdi, RSPN
Reflection on Community-based Sustainable Tourism in Haa   Mrs. Khachi Wangmo, RSPN
Future Tourism Prospects of Haa Mr. Gyeltshen, Haa Dzongkhag Administration
Environment Policies and regulations, NEC Haa Mr. Dorji Wangchuk, Haa Dzongkhag Administration
Water Sanitation and Hygiene Mr. Passang Tshering, Bhutan Toilet Organisation
Forest Management, Forest Fires and Forest Policies   Mr. Ugyen Tshering, JKSNR
Waste Management   Mr. Ratu Tshering, Clean Bhutan