RSPN E-mail Update


We would like to inform all agencies and individuals that the RSPN's old e-mail address will no more be valid as it is a discontinued service.

Therefore, all correspondences must be addressed to
Like any other organization, we have standardised our organizational e-mail system. If you are not sure about the e-mail address at which you are mailing, it is easy if you know the name of your intended recepient working in the RSPN.

For people having two names, we use first single letter of the first name with full second name:
Full Name : Sangay Tashi
RSPN's E-mail ID :
For people having three names, we use first single letter of the first name with full second and third name:
Full Name : Pema Tshewang Gyelpo
RSPN's E-mail ID :
If you are still unclear about our new system, please contact for more information.