Committee Members trained on basic Book-keeping and Accounting

Members being trained on basic Accounting and book-keepingThe training on “Basic Book-keeping and Accounting” to the Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Management Committee Members of Passangphu and Maduwa was conducted from 6 to 8 April, 2012 by Mr. Sonam Jamtsho, Assistant Finance Officer of RSPN. The training was conducted in Passangphu NFE learning hall with the following objectives:

  1. To enhance the capacity of the committee members on generally accepted principles of book-keeping and financial transaction.
  2. Acquaint them with rules of good procurement practice.
  3. To promote transparent decision-making and implementation process based on community participation and collaborative efforts.

A total of 28 participants including local leaders such as Kangpara Mangmi, Geog Territorial Forest Officer, Geog Livestock Extension Officer, Principal and a teacher of Passangphu Primary School, Non Formal Education Instructor of Passangphu, Basic Health Worker of Passangphu BHU and HWC Executive Committee Members attended the three days training program which covered both theoretical and practical aspects.

On theoretical aspects, the committee members were trained on basic introductory of accountancy on various topics such as golden rules, book-keeping, books of account, types of accounts, transactions, stock entry and recording, importance of posting of cash book, transferring to ledger, maintenance of receipt and payment statements, maintenance of bank reconciliation and financial reporting. On the practical aspects, they were given assignment on recording of all financial transactions like preparation of debit, credit and journal vouchers, cash book and ledger entries.

passaphu training-Apr2012

The two-year project on Human-Wildlife Conflict Management, funded by UNDP and DANIDA, was initiated since early 2011 focusing on compensating the HWC affected farmers by institutionalizing a community-based sustainable financial mechanism at the grassroots level. During the last one year period, the project initiated forming one local conflict management group with 46 members at the initial stage, developed constitution and training guidelines for the self management and provided training on management and functioning of the group.

Considering future sustainability, the project will support with the seed money which will be soon deposited in the group’s account that will be maintained with the Bhutan Development Bank Limited based in Wamrong.

Reported by: Tsheten Dorji, RSPN