Commemorating World Ozone Day – 2009

16 september 2009 – The Ozone Day was observed in the morning of 16th September 2009 in the swimming pool complex in Thimphu, Bhutan. Organized by the National environment Commission Secretariat, the Chief Guest H.E. Tengye Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk stressed on the importance of saving ozone layer and making it a safer place for all plants and animals. The ozone layer which is important protective layer that prevents the earth surface from the harmful UV rays of the sun is being depleted mainly by CFC gases used in refrigerators, air conditioners and industries that produce foams.

The day for 2009 was observed under the universal theme: "Universal Participation: Ozone protection unifies the world".

In the afternoon, a two and half hours symposium on "Climate Change and Bhutan" was also organized mainly to raise awareness on climate change. Over one hundred representatives from various stakeholders attended the symposium.  Some of the notable questions were also raised, for instance, Bhutan’s preparedness, plausible mitigation strategies and negotiation steps that Bhutan takes in regard to climate change.

According to the Deputy Minister of NEC, Dasho Nado Rinchen, Bhutan being one of the least developed countries (LDCs) with mountain eco-system, should take climate change seriously and adapt to it with good mitigations. He added that climate change is a serious issue not only to the environment, but also to the sustainable development and survival of humanity on this earth. Therefore, he said, all people must take individual responsibility in reducing harmful elements which depletes ozone layer.