Buli watershed management plan finalization workshop

A three-day workshop on Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) for finalization of Buli watershed management plan was organized by RSPN at Paro, from April 17 till April 19, 2017. The workshop was attended by project stakeholders which included representatives from Nangkhor Gewog (Gup, Ranger, and Tshogpa), Zhemgang Dzongkhag and Watershed Management Division (WMD) from Department of Forest and Park Services (our technical partner). The objective of the workshop was to finalize LFA matrix which will capture the spectrum of details on proper watershed management planning which are purpose, goal, objective, outputs, activities and indicative budget for implementation of the management plan in future.

The purpose behind the development of management plan for Buli watershed, which although is in pristine stage (as per the watershed classification guideline) is:

  • to provide strategic direction for ensuring conservation and protection of watersheds, particularly wetlands and associated biodiversity and
  • to support sustainable local livelihoods linked to conservation and protection of the watershed.

The finalized plan will be presented to Technical Assessment Committee (TAC) comprising of Division chiefs from the Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS) for endorsement.

The project which is supported by GEF/Small Grants Program, UNDP is implemented by RSPN.

 The Project team on behalf of RSPN extend our appreciation and gratitude to the participants and more importantly Watershed Management Division for the technical assistance rendered during the workshop.


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Project Officer