Building capacity on REDD+

Building capacity on REDD+

January 15-16, 2018: The Royal Society for Protection of Nature with technical support from Watershed Management Division (WMD) organized two-day REDD+ readiness capacity building workshop for the forest-dependent communities of Buli in Zhemgang, and other stakeholders of project area from Zhemgang district and Nangkhor gewog administration at Gelephu.

During the workshop the participants were introduced on concepts of REDD+ readiness program in the country, its status, challenges and opportunity under REDD+ program in Bhutan, national REDD+ strategy process, options and Policy and Measures (PAMs), REDD+ strategy options and PAMs form Zhemgang District. Additionally, REDD+ readiness safeguards in Bhutan was also presented and group works on Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) were also carried out.

The workshop was aimed at increasing knowledge of stakeholders on REDD+ readiness program in the country and to enhance their participation in REDD+ decision making in future. The workshop was funded under capacity building fund from Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and a total of 18 participants attended the workshop.