Black-necked Crane 2016 – 2017 Count.

As per our final count of Black -necked Crane for the season 2016-2017 done on the 3rd of Feb, 2017(0600 hrs -0730 hrs), following are the numbers of counts of crane at following stations in the country(Bhutan )

1. Gangtey – Phobji = 437 ( 44 Juveniles )
2. Bumdeling = 91 + 1 common crane ( 6 juveniles )
3. Bumthang = 10
4. Khotokha = 12 ( 2 juveniles )
5. Lhuntse = 4.

The total count in the country for this season is 555 cranes including 52 juveniles.

BNCVC/ RSPN has noted the highest count of 609 cranes in the country in 2015 -2016 over 30 years of its effort in conservation of this elusive birds, since 1987.

We thank you for your continued support in conservation of the Black-necked Cranes and their habitat.