Bhutan Science-Policy Dialogue on Climate Change

Workshop in Session24 August 2010 – Over50 participants including Parliamentarians, representatives from variousministries, academia, civil society organizations, practitioners, youth, andmedia attended a two day workshop on Science-Policydialogue on Climate Change at Taj Tashi in Thimphu on  19th & 20th August2010.

The science-policy dialogues was convened under the
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation into Development Planning (CCMAP)project to demonstrate linkages exist between global/continental-scale impacts as reported in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) and country-level manifestations of those impacts.

The workshop was also aimed in stimulating a true dialogue between scientists and policymakers and other participants and sufficiently engaged in elaborating key national policy issues on climate risks, adaptation and mitigation.

During the two days of workshop, climate experts from the region presented the scenarios of the global climate change issues while the Bhutanese resource persons presented on the national perspective and initiatives in the field of water resources, agriculture, forestry and urban environment.

A final session of the two-day event focused on summarizing key points raised during the sessions and in identifying priority actions for enhancing climate change communication to key decision makers, addressing knowledge and capacity gaps, and strengthening science-policy linkages within the country.

The workshop was organized by Royal Society for Protection of Nature in collaboration with National Environment Commission with support from SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) International Secretariat and Bangladesh Centre for Advance Studies.