Banded cranes back in Phobjikha

banded cranes 2011Two banded cranes are back in the Phobjikha valley. In the winter of 2010-2011, RSPN in collaboration with the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, Bumthang, banded four adult cranes with GPS Accelerato-meter in Phobjikha valley.

Data downloaded from the two cranes shows that the cranes travelled about 130kms from Phobjikha to their summer habitat, near a lake called Bamtsho in Tibet. The cranes used the route over Punakha, Gasa and Jomolhari Mountain to reach their summer habitat.  

Crane Gangtep, banded in the winter of 2005-2006 by RSPN is also back in the valley with a Juvenile.

A detailed report regarding the four banded cranes will be posted soon, once the data received is cleaned and analyzed.

Reported by: Jigme Tshering, RSPN