Awareness and advocacy on wetland conservation carried out

n collaboration with nature club members of Buli Middle Secondary School, RSPN Field Office at Buli in Zhemgang, came up with signage for Wetland conservation project to create aware of ongoing project to the public and outside people for recognition of RSPN in the community.

RSPN Field Office at Buli in Zhemgang, came up with signage for Wetland conservation project to create aware of ongoing project to the public and outside people for recognition of RSPN in the community.

A total fund of over Nu. 10,000.00 (Ngultrum Ten Thousand only) was handed over to Nature club coordinator of the school. The fund was acquired for one of the project awareness programs.

Apart from installation of sign board, few environmental quotes, direction signage to Buli Lake and few waste bins were also installed.

The nature club members were also involved in a half-day cleaning campaign in and around Buli community. The project has such activities planned for the future under awarenedd and advocacy program on wetland conservation.

RSPN like to thank Principal, staff and students of Buli Middle Secondary School for their support and cooperation for the activity and hope for such commitment in the future activities

Reported by Narayan Ghalley, Project Officer