Tshering Dorji

Tshering serves as the Chief of Administration and Finance Division. He had been recruited as the Adm/ HR Officer during the beginning of 2011 untill he became the Chief of Adm/HR Division in 2014. He has a Bachelors of Education (B.Ed) from the National Institute of Education(NIE) in Samtse (2003-2005), MA in Applied Community Development from the Future Generations University, USA. He has also completed his Advance Diploma Course in Educational Studies from the University of Leeds, U.K (1991-1992). During 2007-2008, he had completed an International Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (IDEPA) from the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) , New Delhi, India. Prior to joining RSPN, he had served as a teacher, Principal and Assistant Dzongkhag Education Officer for 23 years (1987-2009) under the Ministry of Education.