20 homestays selected and trained in Haa

The Community-based Sustainable Tourism (CBST) project team in collaboration with the Tourism Council of Bhutan and the Dzongkhag Administration of Haa assessed and selected 20 households from 40 applicants. The applicants were invited from three gewogs of Bjee, Eusu and Kartsho in Haa Dzongkhag.
The selected households along with some existing homestays were given training on hospitality, basic housekeeping, food and safety measures. The first phase of the training was conducted from 22nd to 27th May 2016 following.

The second training concentrating on refresher course and food service will be conducted within July 2016. The training is conducted in partnership with the Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH).

Reported by: Tshering Choki, CBST Project Officer.