March 16-22, 2018: Project familiarization visit to Digila and Langdurbi chiwog

March 16-22, 2018: Project familiarization visit to Digila and Langdurbi chiwog

Along with the officials from Dzongkhag livestock sector, Bardo gewog extension the project team of the Royal Society for Protection of Nature visited Digila and Langdurbi chiwog, the two for the GEF/Small Grants Program (SGP) funded project area. The familiarization visit was also aimed at understanding the issues pertaining to farming, area landscape and scope of agriculture land development intervention through current project.

RSPN with the fund support from GEF/Small Grants Program (SGP), UNDP Bhutan, shall be implementing the project under Digila chiwog on sustainable land management and promotion of local agrobiodiversity for food security for the period of two years.


Digila Chiwog which falls under lower Manas basin landscape of Zhemgang Dzongkhag, has a high incidence of poverty attributed to degraded farmland, farm drudgery, the absence of mechanized farming and low soil fertility as reported in SGP country program strategy for Operational Phase 6 (SGP_OP6). The current project will broadly implement three major programs which are agriculture land development, pilot biogas program and agroforestry.

Subsequently, project inception meeting will be organized to inform and bring together stakeholders on board.